Friday 22 July 2011

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Have you ever felt numb.
As if you weren't there.

The sound of the elevator coming feels like it will never stop buzzing..
Time slows down.
The coridors look longer than it used to be, as if they will never end.
People talking inside of rooms feels as if they are inside of a television.
They fade away as you walk.

Have you ever felt like you r head is still and your eyes won't move.
No single desire to do anything as if you could stay like this for ever.
Only the sound of yourself inhaling in and out..and that doesn't even seem real.

Did you ever feel like everything will get back to normal if you held still and just looked at a point for a long time.
Long enough that you would feel ok afterwards.

Today I did.
I feel better now.